Trilarion: Social = redistribution of wealth from the rich to the poor
Unsocial = mine is mine
jamyskis: That's a mistranslation of the German words "sozial" and "unsozial", which aren't the same as "social". Its closest translation is probably "socialist", but the term "sozial" also encompasses other more centrist movements like social democracy and the Third Way that embrace robust social security mechanisms and labour protection.
But there are social benefits, social services, social nets, ... not only in Germany. I specifically meant the idea of active redistribution from rich to poor, actively reducing inequality, and, on the other side, opposing any of this. So what would be appropriate terms to describe that?
Trilarion: Lawful = Independent, strong jurisdiction
Unlawful = dependent, corrupt jurisdiction
jamyskis: Is this a mistranslation of "rechtsstaatlich" and "unrechtsstaatlich"? If so, you're looking for the terms "rule of law" and "arbitrary rule".
Thanks for the suggestions. That was exactly what I was looking for.
Trilarion: Free = Laws that enable freedom
Non-Free = Laws that prohibit freedom
jamyskis: What does this even mean?
An example for a law that prohibits freedom would be censorship in Singapore. An example for the law that enables freedom would be the right to carry weapons in the US. These are just examples but I hope you get what I mean. Maybe you have appropriate terms for that.