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Just finished the English version of "Things from the Flood" by Simon Stålenhag, and since it's a quick read (and I could use training some Spanish), I'll probably be reading the Spanish translation next.
Monotone Games A Unified Approach to Games with Strategic Complements and Substitutes

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Because the digital .pdf version is available as a free open-access book, I decided to share a link to it. In case you find it worth the money, you can also buy the book.

I also started reading my old hardcover editions of Moomin for fun and relaxation.
Post edited February 06, 2024 by Mori_Yuki
Now reading Sidi by Arturo Pérez-Reverte. A novel based on the legend of El Cid.
The Alchemist from Paulo Cohelo, it's awful for my taste, but my friend insisted that I have to read it :/
I'm reading Lord of the Rings for the first time in my life. Enjoying it so far.
Die Fließende Königin by Kai Meyer for the 3rd time.
Never read or watched the Harry Potter movies at a younger age, so now I've been reading the series. I'm about to start the last book (Deathly Hallows) soon.
BreOl72: I'm in the process of re-reading "First Blood", by David Morrell.
Still a great story. And one of those books, that I can read again every few years.
An article about how this novel came to existence appeared in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction. The research, the interviews to veterans... Made me wish to read it one day. Thanks for mentioning the book, I might try to go for it now.
I just started "A Year in Provence" by Peter Mayle.
I'm reading The Shadow of the Wind (La sombra del viento), the first book in the "Cemetery of Forgotten Books" trilogy, by Carlos Ruiz Zafón (1964 – 2020).
Simply amazing, I can't put it down.
I can't believe I discovered Zafón this late. Do yourselves a favor and look him up.
Now reading La Reina de los Mares del Sur (The Queen of the South Seas) by Javier Torras de Ugarte, a novel based on the life of the first female Spanish admiral in the 16th century.
I'm about to start again on Malice, by John Gwynne. I gave up on it once when it seemed to have too many characters and locations to keep track of, but I've read so many good things about it that I'm going to give it another go.
Now reading The Ministry for the Future by Kim Stanley Robinson.
What was the last thing I was reading? It was a book published by Skybooks USA Project Montauk Experiments in Time Silver Anniversary written by both Preston B. Nichols and Peter Moon. Or should I say it was more like e-book. .pdf file.
Post edited May 06, 2024 by TheHalf-Life3
I just finished Alastalon salissa by Volter Kilpi. I think I'll read some comic books for a while now.