Still Icewind Dale 2.
I finally finished the Battle Square two days ago, so I became a Battle Master or whatever it is called. I am playing IWD2 in the hardest difficulty that can be selected inside the game with that difficulty slider, so no Hearth of Fury mode or whatever it was called for me.
Battle Square is the mostly optional set of fights in an arena with one of your party members (you can select to use a different party member in different fights). You only have to fight three enemies in order to proceed with the game, rest of the Battle Square is optional. If you want to finish it completely, that means you have to win 250 ((3+4+5+6+7)*10) fights in the arena, if I calculated right.
I used my best fighter, a Shield Dwarf Fighter who can fight with weapons in both hands (Ambidexterity + Two-Weapon Fighting skills). That is quite important for Battle Square because you have to be able to deal lots of damage fast because you have only 60 seconds to win each fight. Plus, being able to hit your enemies often means they are more likely to get their spell casting disrupted.
I started the first few ranks with a level 9 Fighter (I used level-squatting to get more experience points, meaning I postponed levelling up my characters in purpose), but ranks 4 onwards or so they seemed to become so difficult that I decided to wait for awhile and look for better weapons. So when I was at the end of Chapter 4, I went back to Battle Square, levelled up my Fighter to level 15, and finished rest of the Battle Square fights.
What I mainly got out of it was a nice sum of extra money, lots of experience points, and some quite good weapons (Club of Distruption +3, Ice Spear +4, Brilliant Short Sword +5). The best weapons you can buy or find otherwise before chapter 5 are +3 weapons, so getting +4 and +5 weapons this early is quite a deal.
Some generic tips to Battle Square:
1. As far as I can tell, you have to have a good fighter, as most of the enemies seem to be very spell-resistant. Not sure if a spellcaster could cope by summoning monsters to fight for him, but when I tried it, for some reason the enemies seemed to be able to kill the summoned monsters with one or few hits?
2. In the earlier ranks (like ranks 1-5 or maybe also 6), the "easiest" way to win is to equip your fighter with a long-range melee weapon like a Spear +3, two-hand sword or two-hand axe or such, reload until you get a big enemy (Cyclops, Giant, or that thing that looks like a huge lobster or something), then open the north door and run out of the battle square room. The big enemy can't come through the door so you can hit it with your spear from a distance without being hit back.
3. In later ranks that doesn't work anymore because you don't get those giant enemies anymore, but after finishing rank 6, you get a Club of Distruption +3 which has the ability to kill certain types of enemies (demons, elementals etc.) with one hit. It rarely does that but sometimes it does, even with the first hit. So equip that weapon (with another weapon if you can do two-hand fighting) and retry retry retry until you manage to kill all your enemies. Some enemies are harder than others so you just have to retry (reload a save game) until you get a suitable type of enemy and/or get a bit lucky with the Club of Distruption.
That done, now I can continue to chapter 5...
Post edited January 19, 2020 by timppu