What I hate:
Bonus tracks on a CD that, instead of being a separate track, are part of the last track, following after six minutes of silence. Really? You want me to sit through six minutes of nothingness to listen to that extra song? Why? What do I as a paying customer and music lover gain by that? Just because some famous dude or band did this 50 years ago doesn’t mean that it is an even remotely sensible idea that needs to be preserved until the end of time. Just quit it. Either you want the song to be on the CD or you don’t. (I know, first world problems.)
Also: Don’t write an album with 20 different songs, whereby 10 of those songs are only available if I buy your music from 10 different sources. Because I won’t. It’s the same as with all this pre-order bonus bulldung for video games. If I feel that I am missing out on too much content, I might even consider not buying your album/game altogether. It’s not like there wasn’t enough music or games out there for me to enjoy.
Post edited July 01, 2015 by Falkenherz