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On May 19 I became a grandfather! A baby girl who has already stolen granddads heart.
high rated
51nikopol: On May 19 I became a grandfather! A baby girl who has already stolen granddads heart.
My warmest congratulations! May she be healthy, happy and a lovely person.
51nikopol: On May 19 I became a grandfather! A baby girl who has already stolen granddads heart.
kultpcgames: My warmest congratulations! May she be healthy, happy and a lovely person.
I agree with that wish, 51nikopol. Yet she already started off morally bad by being a thief ;-)
i am loosing fat
high rated
Catventurer: I'm happy that I'll have more time with my cat, who turned 16 this month.
GamezRanker: First off, sorry to hear your kitty had such serious health issues. Secondly, I wanted to say kudos to them for reaching such a milestone(one of my own kots reaches 15 in about a week). Here's hoping you both are able to spend a good deal more time together filled with special moments :)
Thank you, GR! Duke Ellington (my cat) was probably born in early may based on how old he was when he was originally adopted. (I only have this info because he was surrendered back to the same rescue that adopted him out.) However because Douglas Adams is cooler than Star Wars, his observed birthday is on the 25th for Towel Day.

The birthday cake that has always been his favorite is one can of tuna cat food pate with bonito flakes (obtainable at any Asian market) as a crumb coating. Unfortunately bonito flakes are going to be a bit too rich with the kidney disease, so I'll have to come up with something else.
Catventurer: However because Douglas Adams is cooler than Star Wars, his observed birthday is on the 25th for Towel Day.
Do you play the film for your cat on their special day? If not, maybe you should :}
Catventurer: However because Douglas Adams is cooler than Star Wars, his observed birthday is on the 25th for Towel Day.
MrKrabsWallet: Do you play the film for your cat on their special day? If not, maybe you should :}
I don't know if I've mentioned this. My cat is very appropriately named as he actually prefers music concerts and singing competition shows over other types of programming. He just finished the current seasons of American Idol and The Voice. I also have some episodes of Austin City Limits (which is various concerts) for him. He doesn't show any genre preference - just that the music is good.

Oh and you really have to be careful with cats as to what you have on the television. We discovered by accident by turning on the tv and ignoring it for hours that one of the cats really liked soap operas.
Catventurer: I don't know if I've mentioned this. My cat is very appropriately named as he actually prefers music concerts and singing competition shows over other types of programming. He just finished the current seasons of American Idol and The Voice. I also have some episodes of Austin City Limits (which is various concerts) for him. He doesn't show any genre preference - just that the music is good.
That's so's like plants(liking music).

As for the film, they might like the intro at least.
It has that delightfully catchy(and cat themed) "So long and thanks for all the fish".

Catventurer: Oh and you really have to be careful with cats as to what you have on the television. We discovered by accident by turning on the tv and ignoring it for hours that one of the cats really liked soap operas.
Which is their favorite soap opera, I wonder...One Lick to Love, All my Kittens, or General Purrspital? ;)
Catventurer: Oh and you really have to be careful with cats as to what you have on the television. We discovered by accident by turning on the tv and ignoring it for hours that one of the cats really liked soap operas.
MrKrabsWallet: Which is their favorite soap opera, I wonder...One Lick to Love, All my Kittens, or General Purrspital? ;)
It was the cat that had passed away last year, Ginger. I think she was watching General Hospital, but I'm sure that she would enjoy any soap opera as she would also watch Hallmark Christmas movies with me. Dopey Christmas movies haven't really be the same.

I had another cat that was a fan of the tv show Bones.
You can tell the speed of a cat's brain by whether they like to watch T.V. If they're fast, they don't care because it's all lines zipping through a void; slow cats like to watch the characters and objects move around and I doubt they care what genre it falls under as long as there's a lot of activity.
In what I can only call cosmic irony, Atari the 6th has bought the rights to the Intellivision properties and games, save one.
Apple cider at a local bar on a sunny day in the company of a buddy whom I haven't seen in a while. Going to bed tipsy tonight. :)
I ordered new supplements and Zptropin 160 IU kit today. It is Human Growth hormone (HGH) also known as somatotropin or somatropin, it is a peptide hormone that stimulates growth, cell reproduction and regeneration and I found it for sale at worldhgh. HGH can promote the breakdown of fat cells (lipolysis), leading to a reduction in body fat percentage.
Post edited May 27, 2024 by tonnyys
I got a new hobby with the seems to be working out well
Waking up to a bright sunny day and blue sky, with nothing on today's agenda but time to myself. :) As much as I enjoyed spending the last three days helping Mom with her garden, it feels great knowing that today I get to chill with my chores and routines. :P
ywzywz: i am loosing fat
That reminds me, I got some love handles I need to kiss goodbye. xD
Post edited May 26, 2024 by matterbandit