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The key word in this question is one. What is the absolute most important item on the bucket list?
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not having to read any more threads like this.
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give tauto a sloppy wet kiss
Become king of Germany and have everybody who ever slighted me fight to the death in gladiatorial games held in my honour.
Finish Baldur's Gate.
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misteryo: Finish Baldur's Gate.
this moment in which you realize that you have fulfilled the wrong last wish...
Have a failed suicide attempt and then have a rope tattooed around my neck.
discover the secret of immortality
amok: discover the secret of immortality
Damn you kind of stole mine, though I guess mine is the achievement of such, not just a discovery of the secret.

I was just going to say - Immortality.
Masturbate 5 times in one day (sadly can only do 4).
simonsays1977: What’s The One Thing You Wish To Accomplish Before You Die?
Getting rich, so I can live comfortable (or maybe even luxurious) for the rest of my life - AND still can leave a nice sum of money behind for my relatives.
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simonsays1977: What’s The One Thing You Wish To Accomplish Before You Die?
BreOl72: Getting rich, so I can live comfortable (or maybe even luxurious) for the rest of my life - AND still can leave a nice sum of money behind for my relatives.
No offense Bre, but while genuine and sweet, it's also really boring. :P

Don't you have anything fun and outrageous like swim with dolphins, climb Everest or set the Witcher 3 speed record?
Find the fountain of youth.
youth.jpg (127 Kb)
Am I going to be the only one to leave a serious one?

I *really* want to walk the Pilgrim's Trail, preferably with my dog (the little one, not the big guy - sorry big guy love you more but I think little guy is better suited ;) and... reasons...)

I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to swing hiking a month + through Spain, but we'll see...