Themken: Problem is that the games were made for Intel/AMD type of processor and Apple uses ARM/Apple processor
That's not a problem. You can run X86 code on Arm, or rather the x86 code is auto-translated to Arm and then run, technically it's transcoded instead of emulated. So x86 apps have a slight delay when first launched, but then the transcoded Arm code is saved and every launch afterward uses it. You can run x86 Windows games using Wine on Arm. Even 32-bit ones (though apparently with some performance issues with 32-bit, but those might have been fixed by now, not sure).
The M-series chips do pretty well with graphics, especially the Pro/Max versions. Much better than typical PC integrated graphics; Apple is essentially using console architecture. That is, no separate VRAM (or fake VRAM as with integrated graphics), instead all RAM is just RAM. This way there's no shuffling data from RAM to VRAM, which can remove bottlenecks and speed things up. Downside is you better be sure about your specs up front (# of CPU cores, # of GPU cores, RAM) because if you change your mind there's no upgradability at all.