This is a quesiton that
MaGoG is good for, at least for another 10 days.
Past Sale: Date of latest sale is no later than ...21 December 2019 (say)
Price: is at least... 0.01
Removal date: exists (i.e. game is removed) ... false
Order By:
Latest Sale Date: Ascending
This will give you a list of all games present on GOG that do not have a recorded sale within the last year, with the games that have lived the longest without a sale listed first.
Be aware that games that were listed, removed and relisted are treated as if they were never removed, for example: The Telltale Wallace and Grommit game.
Past sale: no sale yet (since late May 2014, with some gaps)... true
Price: is at least... 0.01
Removal date: exists (i.e. game is removed) ... false
Addition date: is no later than... 21 December 2019 (say)
will cover games that have never gone on sale (or go on sale so rarely that the last sale was missed).
MaGoG vanishes in about 10 days. It will be missed.