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Post edited February 03, 2021 by Randalator
Joker, from Batman because of his psychic side. He doesn't want only to be evil, but to try to show how everyone is also evil like him in the inside. It's an interesting concept for a villain.

Liquid Snake, from Metal Gear series, because of how he tries to control the whole society through economical and technological means. He's a critic to how real world leaders try to use everything for power and control, in my interpretation.

Senator Armstrong, from Metal Gear Rising, because, well, have you ever played Rising? He's insane, as a villain mind and as a politician. lol
InSaintMonoxide: Natla from Tomb Raider
She's very smart and, even if her concept is simple, it just works as a Lara nemesis.

Baanda, from a indie game called Raindancer, because of her backstory and why you fight her. The scenery of the fight is just emotional and epic imho.

Alvin, from the first The Witcher game. His story is just so well written, and when you [spoiler]fight him as the final boss, and he realised he became the monster he wished to fight agaisn't, it's just awesome.[/spoiler]

I might have more villains I liked from the PS1 / PS2 era, but can't remember right now.
Onimusha series also had good villains imo.
The alzabo from Gene Wolfe's "Book of the New Sun."

It is a large, hairy carnivorous alien beast.

When it devours you, it absorbs your memories and personality.

It then proceeds to hunt down and eat your friends and family, while talking to them in your voice. So you won't be "alone" in its belly.
Randalator: Ozymandias
One of the first names that popped in to my head, so I'll also go with ol' Ozzy.
My top 5:

1. The Ur-Quan race (Star Control 2 - video game)
2. Allied Mastercomputer (I have no mouth and I must scream - short story)
3. Morgoth (Tolkiens Legendarium - fictional meta)
4. Non genetically engineered Humans (From the New World - book and anime series)
5. Tyranids (Warhammer 40k - tabletop)
low rated
WinterSnowfall: If we're talking about game(play) villains here, I can only point out the most odious, polymorphic villain of them all: the insidious countdown timer!
Honestly, I would say that the guards who can, from a distance, teleport you out of the area you need to get through are worse.
high rated
*All Characters are from the "Overlord Anime/Light Novelle/Web-Novelle/Manga"*

- 1. Ainz Ooal Gown.
Overlord and the "Evil Protagonist" of the Series.

- 2. Albedo.
Succubus and most trustet servant of Lord Ainz Ooal Gown.
And i fucking love her. <3
Because she hates humans so much. ^__^

- 3. Shalltear Bloodfallen. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Cute, cold, sadistic, kinky and a awesome powerful vampire.
As if someone who knows me. Made an anime character out of me.
I just love her, even more as Ainz and Albedo.
Dick Dastardly
I am not sure, but mine could be classified as "spoiler".

[ S P O I L E R - warning]
.I think "Hobbs" from "Wing Commander III - Heart of the Tiger" made a good one.
Not entirely surprising that 'our' Kilrathi friend and copilot ultimately turns against the player, but it was put in scene and motivated ingame quite well.

Kind regards,

[Sorry, I did not figured out, how to use a spoiler tag here in the forum.]
Sephiroth from Final Fantasy 7.
Lord_Kane: Gul Dukat from DS9
Yes!! Awesome choice.
Lord_Kane: Megatron from Transformers and Beast Wars.
I personally loved Megatron in Transformers: Superlink.

As for video game, I would say The Transcendent One from Planescape: Torment.
high rated
foxgog: [Sorry, I did not figured out, how to use a spoiler tag here in the forum.]
Neither has the GOG web team.

By which I mean there aren't any. Spoiler tags that is. Although, come to think of it, there might not be a GOG web team either.