The eyes are the mirror of the soul. A baby uses instinct to "function" in its immediate environment, like identifying its mother and kin by smell and get fixated on the eyes. The eyes can "betray" your inner thoughts and disposition towards something, or someone, for someone keen enough to watch them closely, their movement and detail... Eyes are also of a mystical sense, drawing man's, an ever spiritual being's attention, throughout all stages of life. A man can "dominate" with eyes, a woman can seduce with eyes, your eyes can see through lots and lots of things and reveal unimaginable truths, hidden behind the most trivial of details. In a physical sense, too, a local saying goes: "Take care of the x or y matter/object, as if if were your own eyes". Eyes are of an immense value and significance, we must take care of them, guard them; they are precious. Eyes are the mirror of the soul.