dnovraD: Is it really so bad to post on the forums from Galaxy?
This is odd, at least
I didn't notice this behaviour (just tried it in General, switching topics and moving to the library and back kept the open comments contents, switching to other windows didn't change anything, either). In fact, between my multiple un- and reinstalls of various Galaxy versions one issue that was initially present went away for the better: originally I had to be on the thread the post was created from in order to successfully post it (visiting other pages in between was OK if I only returned to the originating thread before posting). Recently, Galaxy posts and loads the proper thread afterwards. It may have been fixed during the search fixup, but the OPs problem never occured for me (yet).
Edit: It only works fully when inside the forum, not fdrom the library. It posts, but doesn't close the window and doesn't move to the thread from outside the forum.
I understand the OP had some game running, which might have been the issue. For my setup, anyway, it seems like UE games still receive mouse movement, even if they're behind one or more windows and thus shouldn't receive them. Possibly the OPs game messes with the inputs in a way that triggered a reset in the post window, possibly the overlay (that I have yet to see, despite it being enabled in my settings)?