captfitz: haha rommie that shit is CLASSIC
Dude should get a star just for that.
The dinner guests/hard-on ones cracked me up especially. :)
As for me: check GOG daily to see if there's a regular/surprise announcement. participate in contests, and win. gift GOGs to your friends and family in hopes of getting them as addicted as you.
...upon gifting game to a friend, friend asks you if the installers can be shared with anyone, and you proceed to give them an extensive lecture on why they should not do this, and beg them to gift the game instead (they do).
...when looking at the price of a new game you think to yourself how many GOGs you could buy with the money instead. don't bother trying to resist the weekend deals anymore. use the GOG demos thread to try everything you're even remotely interested in/find new stuff to add to your collection.
(all true stories)