.Keys: We've some historicaly praised games like (...) "Final Fantasy XII"
Vainamoinen: I don't know who praised XII. For us quadragenarians, that's like the tenth or eleventh best Final Fantasy game of the main series.
I know, I know, times change. Yesterday I stumbled on a youtube review of Eternal Strands in which some idiot twen told me that the game was really bad and boring because it told its story "like in a Super NES game".
If somebody tells me some PC game is "like a Super NES" game, the first thing I ask is whether it's on GOG and can I buy it.
Oh wops!
Although I personally enjoyed FFXII a lot back then on my PS2 (Yazmat was a really cool and memorable fight for me.), I gotta admit I misspelled that.
I actually meant Final Fantasy VII*.
Can't say if its because time's changed, but I've played Chrono Trigger before FFXII and even before FFVII and to me FFXII story seems more mature and realistic than FFVII while Chrono Trigger is even more mature with a more satisfying way of telling the 'world ending' plot. Maybe because of the time which I played it.
Even though SNES graphics are really simple, Chrono Trigger is a masterpiece of writing and that matters a lot.
I can still remember entering that tribunal room with Chrono being judged unfairly and being sent to prison to then have a escape plan. That 'simple' 'moonlighted' prison bridge boss fight against that big robot dragon impacted me way more than many realistic games simply because of the stakes of the story.
Chrono Trigger - All Bosses ingame in HD Quality
(Timestamp 2:11 - Dragon Tank)
https://youtu.be/pO2K5QS2ims?t=131 On a more serious note about the age though:
It's common for people to be nostalgic for what they experienced when they were at an young age because at that time that was psychologically their best time, depending on other factors of life, of course.
What I mean with this is that the current generation will always think what they have right now is better than "what we had back then", while technically this might not be true, either way.
Many kids are having a lot of fun nowadays with Fortnite. When they grow up, although their memories of Fortnite would be as it being the best TPS multiplayer game, they have not experienced other TPS games before Fortnite that could be considered technically better.
To summarize, what I mean is that we are fooled by our pleasures and memories of our own experiences on our fun times. So these kids thinking 'old game = bad game' are not really faulty for their ignorance. They simply don't know better. One proof of this is how indie gaming is thriving with 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit stylized graphics, or even the copy-pasted unity like 'Roblox like' graphics, when the games do have good mechanics and stories, which shows us that no, old style doesn't necessarily mean it will be bad.
As we know, many SNES era games are MUCH better than games being launched on 2025, by far.
Anyway, that's why I think 2000~2010 is the most creative time of gaming development. Its peak. We haven't reached this peak industry-wise. After 2012 its downhill with DLCs, microtransactions, live services and... DRM.