Posted September 13, 2010
After coming home from a 12 hour drag of classes at college, I found to my surprise that Oracle (Yes as in Larry Ellison, database servers and Sun Microsystems Oracle) sent me an iTunes gift card with a value of $10.00 USD.
I've always been a bit leery of iTunes, hearing all sorts of crazy stuff like files having DRM and being in a proprietary format, and iTunes sometimes wrecking some Windows boxes (though that claim may be unfounded). So if there's a taker, I'll provide the code via e-mail in exchange for either a $10.00 Paypal deposit to my account (which'd go to a GOG most likely : P) or a GOG gift cert. at whatever point I find something appealing of equal or lesser value. Afterwards, the card'll be put through a highly creative & destructive process.
I've always been a bit leery of iTunes, hearing all sorts of crazy stuff like files having DRM and being in a proprietary format, and iTunes sometimes wrecking some Windows boxes (though that claim may be unfounded). So if there's a taker, I'll provide the code via e-mail in exchange for either a $10.00 Paypal deposit to my account (which'd go to a GOG most likely : P) or a GOG gift cert. at whatever point I find something appealing of equal or lesser value. Afterwards, the card'll be put through a highly creative & destructive process.