tascodlx: Did I solve the puzzle? ;)
BTW, this puzzle apparently had problems in Firefox. A slightly different formatting on the text completely destroyed it. Only figured it out when I tried IE on a whim.
Thanks, coxdr! It was a really neat puzzle, and I like what you did at the end there. I was wondering where you hid the key. ;D
coxdr: i didnt realize that firefox did that lol ill keep that in mind for future puzzles. would you like to explain the puzzle for everyone or shall I?
Also Congrats!
OK. From the beginning, here's how it goes:
Each row represents a text character. Each row consists of 4 numbers, as well as a '+' or '-' or 'IS'. As was hinted, the slashes mean nothing.
To decode the text, you need to visit the humblebundle.com front page for the Humble Sid Meier Bundle.
For the 4 numbers in a given row:
1st number: the number of the game, from left to right as they appear of the humble bundle page. Click on the game icon to bring up the description text.
2nd number: the paragraph number within the description text. Only really means anything for games 3 and 4 since those are the only ones with multiple paragraphs. Even then, the 1st paragraph of either of those is just one line.
3rd number: the line number within the paragraph.
4th number: the character number within the line (ignoring spaces and punctuation).
- If the row begins with '+', you're counting forwards from the start of the line.
- If the row begins with '-', you're counting backwards from the end of the line.
- If the row begins with 'IS', don't worry about it. These rows are just seperators (i.e., spaces).
If you decode all the rows correctly, you get "muta sex et septuum", which is in Latin -- a dead romance language (re: the hints). This can be translated to 'exchange 6 and 7'.
Notice, coxdr provided an example humble gift link in the OP, which contained an invalid code. However, taking that link and exchanging the positions of the '6' and '7', it magically became valid!
Thanks again, coxdr! I do look forward to future puzzles as well. =)