Deus_Ex: I've been buying GOGs for about a year now, but since I only have a Macbook I can only play about 30% of my catalogue. Buying a new PC soon... That will be the end of me.
Sounds familiar. I'm actually running all these games on my iMac, but on my Windows 7 partition - I haven't booted into OS X in about two months now. Before that I did the whole using Mac DOSBox, Wineskin, and Parallels which worked well enough for the most part, but I just got tired of having to play around with configurations for each and every game, and even then it wasn't a 100% guarantee that they would work smoothly. So I said "screw it!" slapped a decently priced OEM version of Win 7 on Bootcamp, and I haven't looked back. It's great not having to worry about odd issues anymore.
I'm definitely not looking for a new computer anytime soon - this one is less than a year old. Especially since GoG is my primary source of PC games now it'll be a very long time before I'll even run into trouble running any of the titles available. Hell, I'm more likely to run into hardware malfunctions before that happens. That said, this'll probably my last Mac for good.
I really like OS X, but it's never been all that great for gaming. Thankfully, Win 7 has proven to be very reliable and stable. I was quite pleasantly surprised by that; my main prior experience with Windows was from Win 3.1-Me (plenty of not so fond memories of the infamous BSoD).