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hedwards: I used to love their products...
Thespian*: Fortunately, since their period of reign in the sound card industry (at least for non professional environments) has come a long way and now Creative have competitors that produce better hardware and software for less. :)
They had some really good stuff in the past, it's a shame that incompetence has relegated them to the bin of history. I loved my Nomad players and my Creative Live card.
hedwards: They had some really good stuff in the past, it's a shame that incompetence has relegated them to the bin of history. I loved my Nomad players and my Creative Live card.
Agreed. Like what happened at the time with 3dfx Interactive. :(
hedwards: They had some really good stuff in the past, it's a shame that incompetence has relegated them to the bin of history. I loved my Nomad players and my Creative Live card.
Thespian*: Agreed. Like what happened at the time with 3dfx Interactive. :(
PowerVR There are insufficient frowny emoticons for that one.
I'm fine with most DRM and generally don't expect companies to treat me like a friend. However I will never support always online Diablo 3-style DRM. Ever.
StingingVelvet: I'm fine with most DRM and generally don't expect companies to treat me like a friend. However I will never support always online Diablo 3-style DRM. Ever.
You should be especially wary of those who pretend to be your friend ...
StingingVelvet: I'm fine with most DRM and generally don't expect companies to treat me like a friend. However I will never support always online Diablo 3-style DRM. Ever.
The problem is, Diablo 3-style DRM came about specifically because of the DRM creep over the past four or five years. If the industry hadn't conditioned gamers into accepting DRM, it would never have sold anywhere near as much as it did.
SimonG: You should be especially wary of those who pretend to be your friend ...
Post edited September 20, 2012 by jamyskis
StingingVelvet: I'm fine with most DRM and generally don't expect companies to treat me like a friend. However I will never support always online Diablo 3-style DRM. Ever.
jamyskis: The problem is, Diablo 3-style DRM came about specifically because of the DRM creep over the past four or five years. If the industry hadn't conditioned gamers into accepting DRM, it would never have sold anywhere near as much as it did.
Dominant DRMs 8 years ago: Starforce, Disc checks, rootkits, limited activations, etc.

Dominant DRM now: Client or DRM free. (at least 95% of the market)

I don't thing that this is a bad development.
SimonG: Dominant DRMs 8 years ago: Starforce, Disc checks, rootkits, limited activations, etc.

Dominant DRM now: Client or DRM free. (at least 95% of the market)

I don't thing that this is a bad development.
Very few games actually used rootkits, and neither Starforce nor rootkits can be deemed DRM. Sure, they sucked, but on a user level they were still preferable to online DRM. 10-15 years from now, I'll still be able to install those games on the PCs they were designed for and play them without having to buy them again, pirate them or crack them.

As for DRM-free being dominant - that accounts for a pathetic minority of the PC gaming market. GOG is pretty much at the "vanguard" of this movement, but there are hardly any major titles without DRM. The majority is client/account-bound activation, which is really the worst thing that could have happened to PC gaming.
jamyskis: Very few games actually used rootkits, and neither Starforce nor rootkits can be deemed DRM. Sure, they sucked, but on a user level they were still preferable to online DRM.
WHAT ?!?!?!?

Are you insane? They f#cked up my DVD drive and put my burner to a crawl. They actually slowed down my system and hampered my normal activities to a point where I bought an extra walled of PC only for work.

Rookits better than DRM? What are you smoking.
Stevedog13: I also dislike consoles for the same reason, at least for the PC there are emulators to allow 1 device to play all games. Could you imagine if the Film industry was as petulant as the Console industry? When going to buy a DVD you would have to check and make sure it would play in your player as some studios would sign exclusive contracts with the DVD player makers.
timppu: I think they tried that too somewhat. E.g. I think it took some time before Disney, and probably some others (LucasArts?) were willing to release their precious movies on DVD format. If I recall correctly, they first wanted to promote the competing "Circuit City DIVX" format that had more DRM than DVD, and gave them more control on how the media can be used, also "pay per view" models etc. That format fortunately died an agonizing death, and I guess it would be obsolete by now anyway because we have video-on-demand now and such.


According to that:
Many people in various technology and entertainment communities were afraid that there would be DIVX exclusive releases, and that the then-fledgling DVD format would suffer as a result. Dreamworks, 20th Century Fox, and Paramount Pictures, for instance, initially released their films exclusively on the DIVX format.
timppu: I'm not sure if the old "Betamax vs VHS" format wars apply though, ie. whether there were lots of movies that were deliberately not published on one format in order to promote the other.

And yeah, it sucks. I wish Nintendo would finally leave the whole HW business and start making Mario games for all consoles, PCs and tablets. Sega did that already, after Dreamcast. I've even played legit Sonic Hedgehog on my ancient Nokia Symbian phone.
There was a bit of a fight between Beta and VHS back at that time. Video players were very expensive back then, like several hundred dollars and Beta machines would sell for $500+, but had much better picture quality. VHS was cheaper and easier to produce, so if a studio had to pick one then thats what they went with. I remember my uncle telling me that he thought VHS would win because there were no XXX Adult films being released on Beta.

The push to DVD was even problematic at first. LaserDisc had failed because the market wasn't there to support it and movie studios didn't want to lose out on the much larger VHS market. To get people to switch to DVD they started putting extras on the discs, like deleted scenes and commentary. Even a lot of older movies were re-released on DVD with actor and director biographies on the disc as bonus material. When the customer base started switching to DVD then you saw these extras start to scale back. There are a lot of DVDs now that just have the movie, subtitles and scene selection. Bonus materials didn't get very involved again until BluRay vs HD-DVD.

It tells you something about the demographics of the two markets, movie watchers don't put up with a lot of the garbage that gamers do.
It doesn't help that most people see games as just being something for the kids so gamers are easily labeled "entitled" and blown off if we complain.

The movie industry on the other can't just blow off their customers so easily, because everyone watches movies.

I'm in agreement with you guys on Sony and Apple. I try to avoid Sony products when I can, the PS2 is the last console I'm going to have from them.

I consider Apple to be the Fisher Price of computers; dumbed down and childproofed as much as they can. To be fair, I can think of quite a few people who need to be locked in the walled-garden :/
orcishgamer: I used to stand for things, then I realized that it'd never change jack shit, so now I do whatever and just bellyache about it occasionally.
SimonG: You can change stuff. Even big stuff. But you then get fired and blacklisted in a whole sector.

Apart from that, I don't buy games with intrusive DRM and I don't buy any games from companies that went after pirates with court proceedings.

Oh, and I don't buy apple because they are (imo) hindering technological progress with their closed platforms.
You're not making the whole "making an effort to change things" sound any more attractive, you know:)

My current strategy has something to do with hookers and booze;) (Yeah, don't really like Blackjack).
Psyspace: A matter of principle
Thank you, Dr. Killjoy :D
Another incident I've encountered that makes me want to murder room loads of people with an ice pick and bubblegum is the "Console War" BS. I own a PS3 because when I needed one, it was on sale. Any current console would have fit the bill as an entertainment and learning tool for my 4 year old autistic son. I chose PS3 because of HD support and the current available price, period. Consoles are just gaming platforms, PC fits in that too.

I have taken a stance and refuse to get into the console debate with anyone for any reason (with the exception of a friend of mine who owns a 360, but that's more for the sheer fun of the argument rather than any personal opinion I have one way or the other).
Apple... well, it's not really related to being a gamer but I hate that company too. When they were unsuccessful they advertised themselves as rebels, now that they are "big" they represent everything that they accused others of. Actually they are even worse. I mean, look at this commercial and tell me what's wrong: *cough* HYPOCRISY *cough* It should be Jobs' face on that damn screen. I mean, what to think of a company that produces USB cables that would work with any device if it wasn't for a small piece of plastic on its top (that you can file off though)? But that's obviously nothing next to their whole brainwash thing.

And more OT: as a gamer who grew up in Germany I've obviously always criticized the extreme censorship of video games there and also written letters to places, approached representatives of the USK (the infamous German rating agency), created bloodpatches of my own etc.

Also I have a strong anti-piracy stance (as some may have noticed here in a discussion some time ago).
Post edited September 21, 2012 by F4LL0UT