As I mentioned at the beginning of this thread, you will not go anywhere unless you know where you are going. Creating a game is almost a scientific process, it is not finger painting. You can't start with a house and end up with a spaceship.
First of all, decide what you want the game to be, EXACTLY. I am not talking about number of buttons etc, but gameplay in detail. Not like you are writing a review or telling a story.
For example let's take Pac-Man.
What you are doing is this:
I want to make a game that is going to be fast action, 2D, and played on an arcade machine! Now, give me your ideas!!!!
This is nothing. This is the kid talking, not the person who wants to make a game. You can't go and ask for ideas for creating a game. You need to have a game first, even on paper, then ask for ideas for specific parts of it and be specific.
So, going back to Pac-Man, you should already have on paper (and I do mean paper because it is much better than typing at this stage of planning), the following.
The game will have a maze, the outer walls will form almost a square. The game is in real time. There will be corridors and walls inside the maze. You will control a single character, perhaps yellow colored. Inside the maze there are many pellets or pills, X number, that by moving your character on them, you "eat" them and gain points. There are enemies in the game. They run and try to touch your character "eat" it. When they succeed then you lose your character/life/game. They are 4-5 per session. The start from the middle of the map and they move randomly until they detect you. When they do they (this depends on the version) will increase their speed and try to catch you. You can try to avoid them by moving away from them, or you can eat one of the 4 special pills that are located in the 4 "corners" of the map to get a special power which makes your character able to kill the enemy units when you touch them. The special power for each special pill only lasts X seconds. Every Y seconds special bonuses, in the shape of fruits, will appear for your character to eat them and gain points. The fruits, their order and points are the following....To end a level you need to eat all the pills in the maze, including the special ones. When you do, you reach the next level.....etc
Now, you will need to be even more specific than the above with your game. Consider how big and different your game will be from Pac Man. Do you understand how many things you need to decide upon, write down, delete and think and write down again, till you reach a point where your game IS good?
For fun, try to do this for a more complicated game, for example Super Mario, or some other game you know.
Do you also understand why asking strangers for help is not a good idea? Not so much because someone might steal your idea (possible), but because even if they wanted to, they can't. It's YOUR game. They can't get in your mind and figure out what you want, imagine, dream about this game.
Of course, even if/when you manage to reach a point where you actually know what you want, exactly, you need to consider a few things.
1)The game needs to look AWESOME. No FPS can not look awesome and sell.
who is going to make the graphics? The game engine? The models?
2)Who is going to create the sound effects, music and speech?
3)Who is going to write the AI? The network code?
4)Who is knowledgeable enough to combine all the above (and more)?
Who is going to pay for the machines to create the game and software needed? You need to buy the software, you can't just use illegal copies to save money.
and on and on.
Who is going to be in charge and leader for all the people you will need? How are you going to pay them? Even if they are your friends from school or something, they will want something in return. Is it going to be part of the potential income? Is it rights to the game? Something else?
For a modern 3D game you need thousands and thousands and thousands of working hours. You need licenses, you need people who know what they are doing because if you are all new on this, it is going to fail, one way or the other.
So you need to find a way to do all the above, or if you want only to push this game idea to a company, make your proposal and details of the game to them, so good, so freaking awesome, that they will not be able to say no. Then do it again because it probably sucks.
After many times, when you know, you believe that it is good enough, get ready to propose the game to a company. Get ready to hear NO, NO NO NO NO. When you do, make sure you politely ask them why their reply is a NO and if they would have something to suggest that could, even if not for them, make a no, a yes.
If you truly deeply want to do this. You will need to work on it for years before you succeed.
and for the love of all you love, make sure you have a way to prove your idea is your idea or else you risk having someone, be it a company or someone who just happened to read it, steal it, change it a bit and make it his.
I don't know where you live or how things are there, someone else could probably help for this last part.
One cheap solution would be to post (registered/recorded/etc) the envelope with it, to yourself and not open it.
closing, one last thing.
Whatever you do, if this is what you want, do it. Don't give up.
Post edited August 12, 2010 by trusteft