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Disclosure: I have one thread that still has no solution in Gorky 17 forum since it deals with the problems of the game and is directed directly at GOG staff.
Now, I am not one that lives and dies by Rep Points, but I am wondering if I am one of the few that feels like if you make a thread a Question that you should credit someone with the solution?
Also, I have seen threads where there were some excellent answers but the credit went to someone who did not seem to give the best answer.
Anyway, just wondering if I am alone in this or if others have felt this way?
This is where I wish GOG had a poll function.
And, no I did not make this a Question thread as it would be wildly subjective on how to pick the one correct/best answer.
Post edited August 28, 2010 by Faithful
The thread starter marks the solution post.
Post edited August 28, 2010 by StingingVelvet
Faithful: Now, I am not one that lives and dies by Rep Points, but I am wondering if I am one of the few that feels like if you make a thread a Question that you should credit someone with the solution?
Also, I have seen threads where there were some excellent answers but the credit went to someone who did not seem to give the best answer.

I guess mosty new forum users tend to not mark any post as a solution. I don't know why, maybe the "mark this post as solution" part eludes them. What's for certain is that I haven't yet seen a forum regular not give credit to the poster who gave a soltuion.
As for why in some cases not the best answer is marked as the answer... I think there may be different reasons for that (the asker accidentally marks a wrong post as a solution, he/she doesn't really care, etc.).
Faithful: If you make a thread a Question that you should credit someone with the solution?

I agree but many new users don't realize they can mark a question as solved. Then there are those *cough*bearcat*cough* who make EVERY post a question and take great pride in not marking a solution.
Faithful: Also, I have seen threads where there were some excellent answers but the credit went to someone who did not seem to give the best answer.

I posted this suggestion in the feature request thread some time back.
I've noticed several times that the solution went to someone who didn't post the solution but rather quoted the person who did. It's definitely not a precise science and I think that n00b questions are less likely to get much feedback from regulars because it will either be improperly marked or not at all.
It's definitely better that the question thread has been solved rather than be infinitely open. As for thread openers, you can only encourage them to mark something as a solution, you can't really make them. In any case, I don't really care for this, it's just for neatness sake.
I tend to help (new) users if I can, regardless of whether I may expect them to give me rep or not. If they do, all the better. Also, I know Ralackk does so, and I recall seeing Stuff helping "(total) N00Bs", as well.
However, it would be helpful to have every question thread that has a solution marked as such (maybe by the staff, if not by the asker?) so that others who visit that forum don't think it's an unanswered question.
Titanium: it's just for neatness sake.

I might be wrong but . . . I believe all "Solved" questions are added to the game support articles under "Help from the community"
Edit: That would be questions in a specific game forum, not sure questions in the General Discussion forum would be added any where.
DrIstvaan: I tend to help (new) users if I can, regardless

^This . . . since we all were new at one time. . . =)
Edit: Not to even mention the help I received from the community . . .
Post edited August 28, 2010 by Stuff
I don't give a crap about the personal rep either, but I agree people should give credit when it's due. I sometimes remind people to credit the solution giver if I see they haven't given rep.
As for not giving it to the best solution, I think maybe one factor could be the tl:dr factor where the best solution may be a longer post, while a later one summarizes what that post said. Many people tend to be lazy and maybe they don't bother reading the long post.
Coelocanth: I don't give a crap about the personal rep either, but I agree people should give credit when it's due. I sometimes remind people to credit the solution giver if I see they haven't given rep.

I too have encouraged this at times to no avail. I guess it seems a bit foolish to me to make your post a question and then refuse to mark the question solved when it is warranted. Especially if others are reminding you to do so.
Yeah, I agree. It bugs me to see that someone has taken the time to help someone solve their problem and they get no recognition for it.