cogadh: Then I guess your artistic side hasn't seen the fantastic painted
artwork they produced for the so-called "cheesecake pictures" in the game. Nudity does not make the work any less artistic in any way, a fact proven by (far too many to list) classical and revered pieces of artwork featuring nudity on display in every single major museum in the world.
jefequeso: If you had bothered to read the rest of the thread before posting, you would see that your sentiments have already been expressed, it's already been established that it's not the nudity itself that I'm objecting to, and I've agreed that there are two sides to the issue and I was blowing the whole thing out of proportion. And also, despite the fact that I'm not feeling quite as crappy today, I still don't think it's worth spending time on something this petty. I find the cards cheesy (which is why I said "the artistic side of me objects to it."). Others do not. End of story. If you feel the need to discuss it further, then PM me...we don't need to clog up this thread anymore than I already have.
I didn't really feel the need to discuss further (and if you really had nothing more to say on the topic then you should have PMed your response to me instead of posting it publicly), but I see from your response that I didn't say it as clearly as I could have.
You stated your "artistic side" had a problem with it but all I have seen in your replies is you having a
moral issue with the way it was presented, not an artistic one. Plus on more than one occasion you brought up the whole "using sex and nudity in a mature way" as if there was nothing mature about naked pictures (hence the reasonable assumption that you had a problem with the nudity). How many people have pictures of their significant others in their wallet, on their cell phones, computer, etc.? Would you agree the vast majority of the civilized world? I'll bet a lot of them are even erotic or naked pictures, too. It's definitely not something that everyone does, but it is something that people have been doing for centuries and there is nothing inherently "cheezy" about it. In fact, small erotic prints similar to the cards in the Witcher have been around since at least the middle ages, some of which are now considered important works of art for both their historical and aesthetic value. I get that you might not like the presentation on a moral level, but that really has nothing to do with the artistic quality of the work at all. Western ideas of morality that permeate countries like ours are often used to denigrate works of art because of their subject matter, to the point of censorship without any regard for the damage that does to the artistic value of the work as a whole. This is especially true of video games (which are works of art) that are still treated as if they are only children's toys and not at all made with mature adults in mind.