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stoicsentry: 11 damage! Exile is on the ropes!


Exile: 14/53
Garrett: 49/60

Turn 15 overall: Exile move up to 3 spaces and act.

Map updated.
Landeril: He steps back. three paces, unleashing another Leech Spell
The leeches do 7 damage. You gain 7 life. 14 point swing.


Exile: 21/53
Garrett: 42/60


Turn 16 overall: Garret's turn: move up to 2 spaces and act. (Note: this is NOT enough to get within melee range. So you won't be able to launch a melee attack this turn.)
move two space east and take a Dodging Stance
Barnell: move two space east and take a Dodging Stance
OOC: Map updated.

Garrett has taken Dodging Stance. He will remain in this stance unless deactivated otherwise. While in this stance, he will be harder to hit with missiles/ranged spells.


Exile: 21/53
Garrett: 42/60 (Dodging Stance)

Turn 17 overall: Exile move up to 3 and act.
Landeril: <snip>
Post edited January 19, 2012 by stoicsentry
He steps back another pace, and unleashes his Leeches once more.
Landeril: He steps back another pace, and unleashes his Leeches once more.
OOC: Not as much luck this time around: 4 damage. You gain 4 HP. Total of 8.

Exile: 25/53
Garrett: 38/60 (Dodging Stance)

Turn 18 overall: Garrett move up to 3 and act.
Barnell: <snip>
Post edited January 20, 2012 by stoicsentry
moves 3 east attcks with mace.
Barnell: moves 3 east attcks with mace.
Oh no, critical miss!

Looks like this will be close afterall.

Turn 19 overall: Exile: move up to 2/act

Landeril: <snip>
Map updated. Your turn.

Exile: 25/53
Garrett: 38/60 (Dodging Stance)
Post edited January 20, 2012 by stoicsentry
He steps past Garret, dodging to the side to step two paces to the west and unleashes his leeches once more.
Landeril: He steps past Garret, dodging to the side to step two paces to the west and unleashes his leeches once more.
You cast 6 leeches, but Garrett dodges 1 of them.

Garrett loses 5 you gain 5 (10 point swing).

Exile: 30/53
Garrett: 33/60 (Dodging Stance)

Turn 20 overall: Garrett: move up to 3/act.

New map uploaded on first post.
Barnell: <snip>
Post edited January 21, 2012 by stoicsentry
moves West, North, West and attacks with mace
Barnell: moves West, North, West and attacks with mace
Nice swing! The mace does 16 damage.

Exile: 14/53
Garrett: 33/60 (Dodging Stance)

Exile: turn 21 overall: move up to 3 and act
Landeril: <snip>
Post edited January 22, 2012 by stoicsentry
Barnell: moves West, North, West and attacks with mace
stoicsentry: Nice swing! The mace does 16 damage.

Exile: 14/53
Garrett: 33/60 (Dodging Stance)

Exile: turn 21 overall: move up to 3 and act
Landeril: <snip>
He steps back away from Garret three spaces, unleashing his fireball spell
Landeril: He steps back away from Garret three spaces, unleashing his fireball spell
Garrett dodged the main part of the Fireball, but got caught in the area of effect. It did 8 damage + 7 burning damage to Garrett!

Exile: 14/53
Garrett: 18/60 (Dodging Stance)

Garrett: turn 22 overall: move up to 3 and act

Barnell: <snip>
Post edited January 24, 2012 by stoicsentry
Charge at Exile and attack with his mace.
Barnell: Charge at Exile and attack with his mace.
Your Mace catches Exile in the chest, knocking him to the ground for 17 damage. Congratulations Garrett, you are victorious!

You have 17 turns to search for the other 3 treasures. There is 1 remaining in every room (other than the northeast room, you've already found that.)

After that, I'll calculate XP, gold, etc.

OOC: Good match Exile, it was very close!
Landeril: <snip>
OOC: Match over. Nice one, you came very close.

Turn 23: Move up to 2/act. You can simply quit the game if you like or keep searching. Whichever you prefer.
Post edited January 24, 2012 by stoicsentry