Posted March 11, 2014
I'm in.
Uuuh, favourite acronym... I don't have one, but the first one that came to my mind was MIA (missing in action), which is used in LoL (or similar games) to tell your teammates that you have no idea where the enemy is. It's not used as often on the EUW servers (people either ping or use ss), so when someone used it in a game, I thought they were talking to someone named Mia...
Uuuh, favourite acronym... I don't have one, but the first one that came to my mind was MIA (missing in action), which is used in LoL (or similar games) to tell your teammates that you have no idea where the enemy is. It's not used as often on the EUW servers (people either ping or use ss), so when someone used it in a game, I thought they were talking to someone named Mia...