Posted February 20, 2010
I make no assumptions as to whether anyone has actually read that FAQ or not. I myself haven't read it nor do I intend to.
I pointed you to the wishlist primarily because it is hard to find unless you know where to look. It's also a good way of judging how many other users of the site would be interested in the game.

Alas, I have no idea as to whether it works under Vista as I don't have that OS. But like I say, if you really have a need to play that game and don't have Space Empires 4, you could do a lot worse. Comparing the two, it seems as if the SE series is a direct offshoot from Stars! anyhow. Although again, I haven't checked to see who coded either game so have no idea if they are by the same people, but they sure do feel like it.
As to the question of whether X publisher could end up here or not, it really isn't that easy to answer. I bet if you'd asked about Activision this time last year, every one would have said "no way".
But if there's enough interest in a game or publisher and the GOG staff are able to track down the IP owners and convince them to sell their old games, then yes, there's a good chance. But it's tracking down the IPs and convincing the current owners to sell those games again, that's the difficult and unpredictable part.