For the love of all that is holy, if you enjoy RPGs at all get both of the Golden Sun titles. Amazing games.
*Note: Have not played the third one for DS, so I can't vouch for it.
Other than those, the Breath of Fire ports are good, Final Fantasy 1+2 Dawn of Souls is good (and the Rebirth scenario for FF2 is quite fun) as well as the other Final Fantasy titles (FF4, 5, and 6 Advance, and Tactics Advance),the Castlevania titles (I only really put time into Harmony of Dissonance and Circle of the Moon), lastly Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past w/4 Swords multiplayer. Those are the ones I still have anyway.
Oh, and either Pokemon FireRed or LeafGreen, they let you run faster right from the start I think, instead of having you go super slow until you get the bike!