eRe4s3r: To use it BG1 with BG1Tutu you need BG2 and BG2 ToB. And playing the original BG1 not within the BG2 DnD rules and infinity engine would be akin to masochism. So yeah ;)
I see not why gog has to be boycotted over this PR sillyness by em either. In my book, any new fan of Baldurs Gate 2 is a good fan. And if BG1 coerces them into checking out BG1Tutu , the Mods (weidu, g3 etc.) and BG2, then all the better.
So in this case i have to say, i don't care about GoG, i care about Baldurs Gate (although BG 1 is far inferior to BG 2)
BG1 far inferior to Bg2...???? It burns!, it burns!
BG1 is the old, class act...BG2 the younger, better looking funkster, but the original is still the best for me (probably because when i first played i had no idea what to expect and all i knew about it was from the back of the box) Although i think they have both held up remarkably well over the years.