DelusionsBeta: For people wanting a refund, it appears that you have to ask your retailer. So that means anyone who bought it from Steam is stuck. (I don't know what's D2D's policy is, although I expect it to be similar). Retailers of the non-digital variety should be more sympathetic.
Well, Steam does give refunds on a case-by-case basis, and if you bought APB recently enough that you in no way could have used up a decent part of your free game time, I'm sure they'll give a refund since you didn't get what you payed for. If you bought it at retail and got the life time subscription I assume you're screwed though.
Slightly OT, especially since APB probably wasn't a good enough game for this - but wouldn't it be awesome if a site like GOG did provide clients and servers for some of those dead MMO's, like Tabula Rasa or The Sims Online, kind of like that "Archiving Virtual Worlds" project at some University, but available to the public using a similar business model as GOG.