Posted June 02, 2012
Surfing through the forums i find people using the argument: games are a business.
Of course to a degree they are. That's becouse they require money and time to be made, and the creators want to make some living, and they want to market it to people. BUt we can say that about any, or most, works of art too.
Now i don't want to start a thread: are games art, by which people usually mean, can they be "deep", "enlighten" you, have "aesthetical" values or what have you. But one thing is clear for me - games create a deep, intimate relationship with their users, unlike, say, a screwdriver, a sausage or some utility software (although with some of them we enter a kind of a grey area).
That is, for me, the reason, why they can't be treated purely as a business. That's why all the buyouts, copyright trading, publisher influences on the development, all that stuff that concerns money strictly, but affects the way the game is published or developed, causes outrage. That's why this outrage is justified.
One proof of that is indie gaming. You don't get indie sausage or screwdrivers (although there are niché markets in utility products, but this are small grey areas and exceptions - nothing is ever black or white). Independent, means people wanting to decrease (not:eliminate of course) business influence on gaming. And it's not about whether indie games suck or not, it's about the fact that such a thing at all emerged.
Of course you may believe in a philosophy that "everything is a business". If so, please skip this thread.
EDIT: sorry for the typo in the topic, but editing topics is kinda problematic.
Of course to a degree they are. That's becouse they require money and time to be made, and the creators want to make some living, and they want to market it to people. BUt we can say that about any, or most, works of art too.
Now i don't want to start a thread: are games art, by which people usually mean, can they be "deep", "enlighten" you, have "aesthetical" values or what have you. But one thing is clear for me - games create a deep, intimate relationship with their users, unlike, say, a screwdriver, a sausage or some utility software (although with some of them we enter a kind of a grey area).
That is, for me, the reason, why they can't be treated purely as a business. That's why all the buyouts, copyright trading, publisher influences on the development, all that stuff that concerns money strictly, but affects the way the game is published or developed, causes outrage. That's why this outrage is justified.
One proof of that is indie gaming. You don't get indie sausage or screwdrivers (although there are niché markets in utility products, but this are small grey areas and exceptions - nothing is ever black or white). Independent, means people wanting to decrease (not:eliminate of course) business influence on gaming. And it's not about whether indie games suck or not, it's about the fact that such a thing at all emerged.
Of course you may believe in a philosophy that "everything is a business". If so, please skip this thread.
EDIT: sorry for the typo in the topic, but editing topics is kinda problematic.
Post edited June 02, 2012 by CaveSoundMaster