timppu: Nice. Just as I opened that Youtube link, whole screen turned pink for awhile, and after that came some error "NVidia driver recovered from a crash". Bah, and this is a fresh Win7 installation on my ASUS G75... (I had to recover the whole Win7 from the recovery discs yesterday, as a Win8 Preview installation on the second HDD eventually corrupted the Win7 installation too. Nice x2. Fortunately I had everything important backed up beforehand.)
the_bard: It's an issue with the driver if it's what I think it is. Why they don't fix it, I don't know.
A known issue with the NVidia driver? This isn't quite the latest driver though (for GeForce GTX 670M) because I am still a bit unsure whether I should go ahead and update it myself, or wait for ASUS to release it.
Before this, it hasn't caused me problems though. First I was thinking in was some kind of visual trick from the Youtube video, but nah... :))
As for the video itself, I couldn't understand much of it. I guess I just couldn't concentrate enough to try to listen what all those guys were saying.