Al1: *In the year 252...6...*
I'll show myself out.
trusteft: The game is a "sequel" to a much older game Armada 2525, released in 1991 for DOS.
Yes, that doesn't help with the song at all, but I just thought I would share that bit of info.
YES!! I feel vindicated! Although im sure I don't know why.
trusteft: The thing with real time in grand strategy games is, I find it stupid.
Same with the Europa Universalis series which IMO would be much better if they were turn based.
If the game requires the player to pause all the freaking time, then get over it (developers) and make it turn based as it begs you to do.
I have enough shit in my life to have to worry in a strategy game if I paused the game fast enough to save my empire. Not to mention the waste of time/movement/calories say it as you want, of having to press spacebar (or whatever key) all the time, or moving to the pause button with the mouse every few seconds.
(frustrated they made Distant Worlds real time)
As for Sins, I don't think we should even discussing it/comparing it with 4X games.
Don't you go badmouthing the EU series. :) Seriously though, the idea behind the 'real-time' progress with pausing in that series is to allow it to be more dynamic. Events occour throughout the month rather than being presented with a huge list at the end of it; battles breakout and are resolved in their own time, rather than starting or ending at the start/end of a month. It allows things to be much more fluid. Don't get me wrong, the constant moving nature of it got on my nerves as well, being a fan of 4x games, but it eventually won me over with it's sheer depth and historical accuracy (being a big history buff (nerd) this was very gratifying for me).