Posted January 26, 2010

Registered: Oct 2008
From Japan

damaged lemon
Registered: Nov 2008
From Canada
Posted January 26, 2010
Post edited January 26, 2010 by chautemoc

Registered: Oct 2008
From Japan

Registered: Sep 2008
From Brazil
Posted January 26, 2010

ALT-F4 works beautifully. Not many people know that, apparently.

Easily Persuaded
Registered: Dec 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted January 26, 2010
Oh well. It looks like Ubisoft are going to murder the PC version 1984 style.

Crazy User
Registered: Dec 2008
From Thailand
Posted January 26, 2010
I'm not gonna pay $60 for this game.

Registered: Sep 2009
From United States
Posted January 26, 2010

The actual worth of money changes. Such that 100 dollars 50 years ago may actually be worth 200 or 300 dollars today (not an exact amount). Now you say games have cost $50 for years, so in effect they have gradually been getting cheaper as the actual worth of that money decreases. Such that although the figure you're paying has now changed to 60 and appears to be 10 dollars more than 50, the actual worth may very well be equal to the 50 you would have paid a few years ago.
So all that's happening in such a case is the industry evening out the cost of the game. But as the same denominations of money have been used for decades (possibly even more depending on the country), it would appear that the price is going up simply because the numbers change.
I'm sure someone more knowledgeable in economic terms could explain it better and I probably could too if I weren't dead tired with killer ear ache =/.
But my main point is, that people complaining about a 60 dollar price tag have little to complain about compared to price hikes happening in other parts of the world, take a look at most UK price points for game and convert those to USD, same with price points for Japan and Australia. You'll find that the US prices are often significantly cheaper.

Step one:Build a evil empire.
step 2:Train a army
Step 3:Take over the world!
Step 4:Crown your self king of the world!
Step 5:Your empire will now use gold,silver and copper as money.
step 6:All gamers now pay the same for there games.
step 7:Wipe out all rebels!
step 8: make up a step 9.
First we need land to build the evil empire and minions to train in to a army.
I vote for undead minions.Why pay a human army to fight when undead work for free?
edit:Any thing i say is a joke or leads to joke.
Post edited January 26, 2010 by uruk

Kwisatz Haderach
Registered: Sep 2008
From Canada

evil and a guy
Registered: Sep 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted January 28, 2010

That doesn't change the fact it crashed nearly every time I played it and it isn't a particularly good game.

Registered: Sep 2008
From Brazil
Posted January 28, 2010

It never crashed on me even once (sorry if it did for you), and I particularly loved it (but I get why you may not have liked it). Just wanted to clarify that the "facts" you described are facts to YOU, not necessarily to everyone else.

evil and a guy
Registered: Sep 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted January 28, 2010

Something do with my ATI graphics card or something but yes I am aware that my experience is not everybodys.

Registered: Sep 2008
From Sweden
Posted January 28, 2010

The actual worth of money changes. Such that 100 dollars 50 years ago may actually be worth 200 or 300 dollars today (not an exact amount). Now you say games have cost $50 for years, so in effect they have gradually been getting cheaper as the actual worth of that money decreases. Such that although the figure you're paying has now changed to 60 and appears to be 10 dollars more than 50, the actual worth may very well be equal to the 50 you would have paid a few years ago.
So all that's happening in such a case is the industry evening out the cost of the game. But as the same denominations of money have been used for decades (possibly even more depending on the country), it would appear that the price is going up simply because the numbers change.
I'm sure someone more knowledgeable in economic terms could explain it better and I probably could too if I weren't dead tired with killer ear ache =/.
But my main point is, that people complaining about a 60 dollar price tag have little to complain about compared to price hikes happening in other parts of the world, take a look at most UK price points for game and convert those to USD, same with price points for Japan and Australia. You'll find that the US prices are often significantly cheaper.
You mean inflation?
Actually it's not that simple. For instance in not a few countries the actual pay rise have not been keeping up with inflation which is fuelled by a lot of strange things happening in the "world of making money out of air (The money market or what's it called.)" and other mysterious worlds that no one understands all the rules of. You might as well call it a world ruled by magic or religion.
A example is property like houses rising in value and suddenly money is created from some magical realm. Since suddenly peoples houses are worth more they can loan more.
Point is that inflation is rising by itself, money is worth less but their paycheck ain't keeping up so in reality people have less money now then they had before. The reason people is consuming more and more is that Banks and other businesses loan them money so they can keep consuming.
I know this is not true everywhere but it is in frightfully many countries.