nijuu: Still mulling over this one. Only $4. And bundle seems better than the last one (i still havent forgiven them giving me what basically amounted to a year trial with that damn so called bonus Aquarium pos). Already have Beat Hazard - awesome. I'd get it forBaconing,Madballs & Sol Survivor (saves me coughing up for that other bundle).
Must resist. Must resist. Having withdrawals.... must not buy!!!! ;)
spinefarm: Just for The Baconing it deserves the 4$.... (The game itself cost 13euro for me) So yeah definetly it is a sweet deal
Under normal circumstances yeah I agree, but when it's mostly Steam only? I'm not sure it's in the gamer's best interest to comply when we see even indies using DRM-only methods of protection... Steam may be benign in a lot of ways, but it's still causing restrictions in one's ability to access and play what should be a rightful purchase, I thought DRM-free was expected when dealing with indie setup?
Also music and a movie? I hope this idea doesn't become a regular padder, I want to purchase games.
The only reason I'm considering the bundle is because of it's charity aspects.