RaggieRags: Allright, let's ignore everything else I did *not* say and concentrate on this point. :-) What I'm saying with "overall dissatisfaction" is that most people felt let down by the ME3 ending (and many with ME3 itself) and a lot of people are now sour with the franchise. There's also a lot of dissatisfaction with Bioware in general right now. The general news reports and online discussions about the ME franchise and Bioware are bending towards negative. The overall negativity has lasted for more than six months now and it's gotten to the point where it's feeding itself. What a lot of people now first and foremost associate with Bioware and Mass Effect is controversy. It is a difficult chain to break and Bioware has a lot to prove with DA3. I personally hope it will be return to form and Bioware has learned from their mistakes, but I won't be preordering.
Again, your use of most is highly speculative. Most people who played ME3 never told you their feelings on the ending one way or the other.
Still, assuming you're right and we can extrapolate common thought from internet rage (which I highly doubt but whatever, assuming) I don't see how that at all equates to general satisfaction. It means the ending sucked in some people's opinion, why does that effect overall satisfaction or desire to play the next game? Is the ending all that matters? Does one ending taint their other projects? I don't understand.
I'm not even saying you're wrong about this being something a lot of people say on the internet, I am just saying it's stupid.
Red_Avatar: You mean what has been considered the biggest weakness about Deus Ex (except for its so-so combat of course)? Deus Ex's ending was far from great - it was a "choose A, B or C" moment which was pretty detached from the rest of the game. It would have been far more interesting if you had to work towards one of those goals instead.
Sure, but that's a lot fucking harder. I understand that game development limitations make long build-ups to various endings very hard to pull of time and budget wise. I also understand that people expecting every nuance of their 3 game 120 hour investment to be represented in the series ending are asking for the stars.
ME3 ended fine. It allowed you to make standard freedom/nanny-state/ascendance choices like every sci-fi game and explained the reapers in a cool way. I had no problem with it and have yet to see something realistic people would have preferred.