jas1965: Hi! Love this site! Missed the first Baldur's Gate (1/2), Icewind Dale (1/2) and Neverwinter Nights sale. Please re-run at some point soon! I've bought some great memories here and want to keep expanding them. Nothing like great gamepley to not go out of style! Thanks!
A few weeks late for that sadly, a week ago or so Atari had to stop selling their games on GG etc. You could've picked up the D&D Master Anthology. If you waited for a sale even you could pick up BG1+2/IW Dale 1+2 + Planescape Torment + Temple of Elemental Evil for the same price as 1 of the games here (not on sale). And they were basically the GOG versions so just as good.
Sadly the rights just fell back to Hasbro which means it'll be a while before arrangements are redone for the other sites probably, and I doubt GOG has any plans to sell the collection but would rather keep selling the individual games.