Posted July 05, 2011
How do you want to live your life,
Afraid, or like that guy, Cloud Strife
Undo, that would be a nice thing too
Don't you have even one thing you wish you didn't do?
Might I suggest one thing my friends
Creativity is a good attribute to have
Discard all the useless items you'll have
Unless you are like me, a hoarder
Queensland might be a good place to be,
Plenty of land, air and...sea?
Very important person must live in there
Come on now, don't you agree with me?
You might think this is spam, it's not
You just have to look hard, look through
Unleash your imagination, you'll see
X marks the spot in many RPG's
Afraid, or like that guy, Cloud Strife
Undo, that would be a nice thing too
Don't you have even one thing you wish you didn't do?
Might I suggest one thing my friends
Creativity is a good attribute to have
Discard all the useless items you'll have
Unless you are like me, a hoarder
Queensland might be a good place to be,
Plenty of land, air and...sea?
Very important person must live in there
Come on now, don't you agree with me?
You might think this is spam, it's not
You just have to look hard, look through
Unleash your imagination, you'll see
X marks the spot in many RPG's