Smannesman: On the page that I linked to you can clearly see that there are parts of the CSS standards that other browsers don't support and IE does and vice versa and even parts that nobody supports. So no, it really isn't MS' fault.
Everybody is working on getting their engine to support all the cool things, but people will always disagree on what is necessary, interesting, cool, etc etc etc.
Hence the differences.
The same goes for javascript, HTML, HTML5, etc.
Yes, it really is MS' fault, just as it is also those other browsers fault for not fully supporting the standards. The difference being, MS already has a history of not even trying to support standards, to the point of trying to force their own standards on everyone else, while most other browsers actually try to keep up (let's face it, the standards are a bit of a moving target). CSS has been a broken mess on IE9 since it's release, and given korell's post above with the list of problems he still has that apparently
no other browser has with this site, it would seem that not much has been fixed on the IE side, while the "alternatives" are doing a much better job.