Tarhiel: I have Win7 64x myself and game was working just fine. You should definitely head to official forums with this issue.
As for translation editing, I´d be glad if you can do that. PM me your email address, I´ll send you the text. And thanks for volunteering.
jsjrodman: I went to the official forums first. They are all in Czech. I have no idea what is going on in the interface, nor the sub-forum list, nor the content of the threads.
Sorry about that :/
Try to post here:
http://www.say-realm.com/forum3/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=39 As for registering, here´s how-to:
1. click on „Registrovat “ (Register)
2. click on „Souhlasím s temito podminkami“ (I accept these conditions) – the usual stuff – you shouldn´t use obscene, vulgar language, etc... only interesting part is that this forum runs on phpBB system from „General Public License“ (www.phpbb.com)
3. Now follows the registration itself:
Name of specific fields:
Uživatelské jméno(User Name – 3 -20 characters)
E-mailová adresa (email)
Potvrzení e-mailové adresy (confirm email)
Heslo (password – between 6-100 characters)
Potvrzení hesla: (confirm password)
Jazyk (language): you can choose British English here!
Časová zóna (Time Zone)
Then enter captcha.
After that, email will (?) be send to your mail – I don´t remember if there is activation link to click on or just confirmation of your username/password, anyways, now you should be able to finish registration on your own.
I´ll ask S.A.Y if it will be possible to implement language selection (I suppose that shouldn´t be too much of a work), it´ll make things easier for everybody in the future.