jamyskis: So, AMD has gone and fucked it up yet again - despite being advised time and time again during RC testing of the 14.4 drivers, they've released a final version with defective AHCI drivers that cause boot-time BSODs.
And now they've fucked up my system so badly that I have to leave the fucking thing in IDE mode now. Despite my eradicating all traces of the AHCI drivers and trying to restore the 13.4 drivers on my PC, AMD have changed something in my system that has completely fucked AHCI on my system now, short of a full reinstall.
Seriously - I'm sick to fucking death of that company, and NVIDIA isn't any better. I'm fed up with PC gaming being one big constant bug hunt and troubleshooting exercise.
So: long story, short meaning - if you have an AMD/ATI Radeon card, use AHCI with SATA drives and are thinking of installing the 14.4 drivers - DON'T.
"AMD has received feedback that some users are unable to install the Catalyst 14.4 driver on some motherboards with AMD chipsets. We have investigated the issue and have determined that it was caused by the AHCI driver component that was included with the driver package.
We have therefore removed the AHCI driver component from the driver package and will be providing it as a separate download.
If you were affected by this issue, we recommend you download and install this updated version of the driver."
http://sites.amd.com/us/game/downloads/Pages/integrated_win7-64.aspx Make sure you uninstall the driver with DDU or the AMD uninstall utility before installing new drivers and never install new drivers on day one unless you're prepared to live on the edge.
Add: your rant is understandable, it's annoying when this happens, but ultimately it's your own fault. How many decades of experience do we already have? Don't install fundamental drivers until they have been tested in the field, if you want to be 100% sure.
I installed the 14.4 catalyst drivers the day they were released, and they worked 100% fine for me. But I did that knowing that I could screw up my system, so I went in with that knowledge.
So while the rant is understandable, because I know it sucks when things like this happens, the fault is your own.