-Kol-: Would love to see the original Command and Conquer and red alert on GOG. I know it's technically abandonware and free, but it's so difficult to get the game working on windows 7. A decent GOG style .exe would be most appreciated! I love how balanced the original C&C was! : )
Korruption Of Light
AFnord: Abandonware is not the same thing as free. All abandonware means is that it is no longer sold or supported, but it is still protected by the very same laws that protect brand new games, and it is just as illegal to download abandonware (though the owners are less likely to come after you if you do download abandonware, as they usually no longer care about the games).
Though if all you want is to play the old Command & Conquer games, then EA is still offering them for free, and they can still be downloaded from their servers:
http://na.llnet.cnc3tv.ea.com/u/f/eagames/cnc3/cnc3tv/RedAlert/RedAlert1_AlliedDisc.rar http://na.llnet.cnc3tv.ea.com/u/f/eagames/cnc3/cnc3tv/RedAlert/RedAlert1_SovietDisc.rar You could also find the Command & Conquer: The First Decade in Wal-mart still, iirc. It contains C&C 1, C&C 2, RA1, RA2, Renegade, Generals, plus all the expansion packs. Since the game itself is still being sold in some form, it's not abandoned.