l0rdtr3k: I'm going to be direct here.my grandmother is on the hospital almost dying,my house is a mess because of this and I'm worried as hell aboud my granny.all I want is something to help me relax like a link to a relaxing music or some word about you guys,just something to help me.
sorry about the misspelling I wanted to say "can"
Sorry that the situation exists, but don't really know any way to make things better.
When I have found myself in similar situations, I generally busy myself with supporting other members of the family who are having a difficult time, which can take any form from explaining things to them, to just fielding some of their frustrations while they try to come to terms with things. It affects me too, but generally if I'm thinking of others first, I don't have time to dwell on, or lose myself, within the situation.
Some people pray, some drink, some lash out, some come closer, and some run away; people deal with things all kinds of ways. Even though we care, and they fight, sometimes there is just no changing things; I hope this isn't the case here, but it is inevitable at some point.
About the only thought that brought me a little comfort in those instances, where wishes, prayers, and hope of the people around were seemingly failing, was a change in what I hoped. Instead of wanting them to just get better, have it all go away, and have everyone happy, I found that I just wanted what was best for them, whatever it was. I realized that that is the best we can wish for sometimes, and to wish anything else in certain situations was more for the people around than it was for them.
Good luck to you and your family, and I hope that everything works out in a good way for you.