Fenixp: Console gamer? For me, it's self-explainatory: Console gamer is someone who playes console games more that PC ones :D No insults whatsoever included. I have no idea WHY should I insult people, who play concole games, I only insult idiocy and arogance :D
People never change, anyway. We have the same thing in sports, politics... It's just internet gives you anonymity, so when in reality, some wouldn't have the guts to say: "Hey, ur an idiot, MY team RULEZZZZZZZ!" to a guy twice as big as he is, so this kind of quarrels are more common on the internet...
I swear I'm not following you around Fenixp, haha. But yes, I agree with what you say. I love both my console and my PC, but now a days my PC only gets used to play retro games.
There are extremists on both sides of console vs. PC though, and both sides are made to seem the worse for it. Consoles tend to start with much nicer graphics in their life span than a sub $5k computer can put out, but end with run of the mill graphics. Both platforms have a ton of exclusives, and both platforms get a ton of "shovelware". Neither platform is better than the other. Although I have to say I love my console for just casual, no hassle gaming. Don't gotta worry about install/patch/set up. It is nice that you can configure everything and get free patches/add-ons for most PC games though.