TheJoe: It would take someone several thousand years to decrypt the credit card info. Your cards are safe.
Personally I would be more concerned with using information for social engineering and working to steal accounts that way. This happened recently with some prominent TF2 community members, and I would imagine the information obtained through this hacking incident could certainly aid in future account hijackings.
Additionally, as people already mentioned, it is a bit curious they are even holding on to this information for as long as they have.
Sikboy1029: Why even bother posting this on gog? Anyone who uses steam on a regular basis will see it for themselves, and way to try and make it sound much worse than it is in the title
I see nothing wrong with posting this here. In fact, I have yet to receive the pop-up notice regarding this I hear others talking about. My friends and I were playing a co-op game earlier today, and only one of us got the message upon closing the game. Had my friend not mentioned it, I certainly wouldn't have known about this otherwise.