Posted September 29, 2010
Dear GOG guys. I love the fact you are bringing some tremendous games to us like the recent bauldrs gate and planescape torment and I like the site even more for it. Makes me glad that I have been a member since I joined in october 2008. But, I do have a comment and dont take this as me bitching or complaining because its not intended that way.
While I love the fact you are (and hopefully will continue to) bring us this big games all of us have been begging for you to get for years, but I also very much hope you are going to bring us the lesser known titles, the little games that slip through the cracks. The ones few know about, and fewer actually had a chance to play when they were out.
While Its great I can get duke nukem from you, planescape, baulders gate, phantasmagoria and hopefully other classics like system shock 2 and so on in the near future. But I am hoping you can bring us games like Darkseed, Realms of the haunting, The dark eye, Harvester, Silverload, Shadow of the comet, Call of cthulhu the dark corners of the earth and so on. THose are the games that would make me personally get really excited and be first in a virtual line to buy from you, those are the types of games that I have been wanting.
So good on you for bringing us all these great game, I just hope you dont concentrate to much on the big stuff and miss all those underrated titles as well.
While I love the fact you are (and hopefully will continue to) bring us this big games all of us have been begging for you to get for years, but I also very much hope you are going to bring us the lesser known titles, the little games that slip through the cracks. The ones few know about, and fewer actually had a chance to play when they were out.
While Its great I can get duke nukem from you, planescape, baulders gate, phantasmagoria and hopefully other classics like system shock 2 and so on in the near future. But I am hoping you can bring us games like Darkseed, Realms of the haunting, The dark eye, Harvester, Silverload, Shadow of the comet, Call of cthulhu the dark corners of the earth and so on. THose are the games that would make me personally get really excited and be first in a virtual line to buy from you, those are the types of games that I have been wanting.
So good on you for bringing us all these great game, I just hope you dont concentrate to much on the big stuff and miss all those underrated titles as well.
Post edited September 29, 2010 by gargus