I would like to enter for Grimrock or Monkey Island. My entry is available through torrent via this link (all checked as clean and created with RPGAce(which is why it is so cruddy. Well, that and my inability to be creative)).
As for the usual - everything in this game is mine, except for the stuff that isn't. That all belongs to other guys with expensive lawyers. I am so glad they don't mind gamers like me using awesome stuff they've made in what is really a form of free advertising and very flattering, because they're so nice.
(That should stop me getting sued.)
Download from this link here:
http://www.monova.org/torrent/5901017/Happy_Holidays!.html but remember, it's a cruddy game! Merry Christmas!
nb: updated link as it is now half the size - got rid of the maker trial version so it's around 266mb