Posted February 13, 2012
QC: ACTA is already all over the world, already implemented, already passed. I only heard about it close to the end of the other two bills. But I just don't know that much about ACTA. All I know at the moment is it hasn't been the be-all end-all of the internet in the form it is right now
Leroux: Over here it hasn't been ratified yet and shortly before the announced protests the government put its plans to let it pass on hold. They probably will ratify and pass it though, and the media is doing its bit to back them up. The thing I don't get is when the observation that a "contract is not acutely dangerous, only potentially dangerous" is interpreted as something like "it isn't all that bad, there's no harm in signing it, I guess". I can't believe how politicians can act so openly naive. Almost everything really bad once started as "potentially bad" only and ignorance helped to let it grow. This kind of attitude always reminds me of the famous quote from that French movie, "La Haine":
C'est l'histoire d'un homme
qui tombe d'un immeuble de 50 étages.
Au fur et à mesure de sa chute,
pour se rassurer, il se répète:
"Jusqu'ici, tout va bien."
"Jusqu'ici, tout va bien."
"Jusqu'ici, tout va bien."
Mais l'important, c'est pas la chute.
C'est l'atterrissage...
(Heard about the guy who fell off a skyscraper? On his way down past each floor, he kept saying to reassure himself: So far so good... so far so good... so far so good. How you fall doesn't matter. It's how you land!) :P
It's not the long fall that kills you.
Nor even the sudden stop at the bottom.
It's the realisation that "Yes. You *ARE* that f*&^ing STUPID!"