Posted January 08, 2013
Okay, I think the topic of the thread says all that needs to be said (besides... I suck at setting these things up)....
That being said, two games off of the top of my head that have just destroyed me at how bad they were compared to earlier games in the series are Assassin's Creed 3 (ahem... 5) & Saints Row: the Third.
To some people these games may be good... great in fact, but to me they both just killed m love for the series. I think my hatred of Assassin's Creed 3 is well documented on the forums, but for those who don't know my feelings already (excuse the lame copy & paste job)...
"Connor is so damn BORING & almost every line he spoke just about put me to sleep. One thing that really bothered me about him was the complete lack of emotion he showed throughout the game.... he just never really seemed to give a damn about anything (SPOILER:such as when Achilles died... I mean he was the closest thing to a real father that he had, *sure Haythem was his biological father, but the man tried to fucking murder him for christsake* & he didn't seem to even remotely care about it END SPOILER). The story was also really lacking if you ask me... I can barely remember anything that happened minus the Tea Party (SPOILER:& that was largely due to the stupid ending scene where he could have clearly killed 2 key templars, but instead decided to drop a tea crate into the ocean END SPOILER), the opening scene with Haythem, the aforementioned Achilles scene, Connor's (admittedly pretty cool) ending & the Desmond Scenes. That being said... lets talk a bit about Desmond's ending. I won't spoil it... but it is it legit the worst ending that I have ever seen in my entire life. I may be in the minority, but I loved Desmond as a character & to see his story end in such a way really pissed me off. I know you are probably thinking that I hate it for what happened to him, but that is not even remotely the case... it is not so much what happened as it is how it was presented. What happens just happens & the camera doesn't even focus on him while it happens... This is the main character of your fucking series, show him at least a semblance of respect & allow there to be at least a little bit of emotion in such a scene. I mean, Damn.... "
As for Saints Row 3... my hatred for this game isn't as well documented..... but I have just as strong feelings towards it. For starters, they killed off the most popular character in the series in the first 15 minutes of gameplay.... & replace him with an auto-tuned pimp & Hulk Hogan in a mask. Thats all I need to say about that....
Next, they changed the formula of the game far too much from the previous games. The one thing I always liked about the previous games is that they gave you the option to do stupid shit if you wanted to, but never really forced it upon you. In this game however, that stupid shit is front & center. Gangs of Luchadors & Nerds? Seriously? Far removed from the gangs of the previous games, right there.
They never finished the Dex story.... He was built up as the main villain of SRIII & then just dropped altogether. I mean the dude wasn't even mentioned once in the entire course of the game.
I have plenty more reasons, but I think I've typed enough for today.
That being said, two games off of the top of my head that have just destroyed me at how bad they were compared to earlier games in the series are Assassin's Creed 3 (ahem... 5) & Saints Row: the Third.
To some people these games may be good... great in fact, but to me they both just killed m love for the series. I think my hatred of Assassin's Creed 3 is well documented on the forums, but for those who don't know my feelings already (excuse the lame copy & paste job)...
"Connor is so damn BORING & almost every line he spoke just about put me to sleep. One thing that really bothered me about him was the complete lack of emotion he showed throughout the game.... he just never really seemed to give a damn about anything (SPOILER:such as when Achilles died... I mean he was the closest thing to a real father that he had, *sure Haythem was his biological father, but the man tried to fucking murder him for christsake* & he didn't seem to even remotely care about it END SPOILER). The story was also really lacking if you ask me... I can barely remember anything that happened minus the Tea Party (SPOILER:& that was largely due to the stupid ending scene where he could have clearly killed 2 key templars, but instead decided to drop a tea crate into the ocean END SPOILER), the opening scene with Haythem, the aforementioned Achilles scene, Connor's (admittedly pretty cool) ending & the Desmond Scenes. That being said... lets talk a bit about Desmond's ending. I won't spoil it... but it is it legit the worst ending that I have ever seen in my entire life. I may be in the minority, but I loved Desmond as a character & to see his story end in such a way really pissed me off. I know you are probably thinking that I hate it for what happened to him, but that is not even remotely the case... it is not so much what happened as it is how it was presented. What happens just happens & the camera doesn't even focus on him while it happens... This is the main character of your fucking series, show him at least a semblance of respect & allow there to be at least a little bit of emotion in such a scene. I mean, Damn.... "
As for Saints Row 3... my hatred for this game isn't as well documented..... but I have just as strong feelings towards it. For starters, they killed off the most popular character in the series in the first 15 minutes of gameplay.... & replace him with an auto-tuned pimp & Hulk Hogan in a mask. Thats all I need to say about that....
Next, they changed the formula of the game far too much from the previous games. The one thing I always liked about the previous games is that they gave you the option to do stupid shit if you wanted to, but never really forced it upon you. In this game however, that stupid shit is front & center. Gangs of Luchadors & Nerds? Seriously? Far removed from the gangs of the previous games, right there.
They never finished the Dex story.... He was built up as the main villain of SRIII & then just dropped altogether. I mean the dude wasn't even mentioned once in the entire course of the game.
I have plenty more reasons, but I think I've typed enough for today.