Tizzysawr: Another of the reasons why movie games disappear is, they're generally so terribly bad that nobody in their right mind would ever think of giving them back. Sadly, the few good games that come out of movies (Only two good movie games I know are The Lion King and Aladdin, on their PC versions) end up suffering because of this.
This is generally true, but I can think of a couple of other exceptions:
- Terminator. Sadly I don't remember the specific titles that were good and I'm aware a lot of crap ones were made, but I had a brilliant Terminator game for my Mega Drive. I've just started playing ARES and it's exactly the same but with updated graphics. I also had a great one on the original Game Boy.
- Die Hard. Again, I don't remember the name of which two out of the 3 I liked, and they made me kind of sick, but they were great games. I had them on my Saturn while my friends had them on their Playstations (I didn't get a playstation until a few years later when they got cheaper).
- Bladerunner. Oh the memories......
- Golden Eye 007. The first game I ever got upset about not being able to play. All my friends spent hours with it on multiplayer, and I couldn't join in because it made me sick :/