abolat: :S care to explain that last bit?
Basically Valve's position is that all trades done through Steam Trading are final. They've been known to exercise goodwill in some cases and allow the trade to be reversed, but I think those cases were all clear-cut scams. In your case, the person you traded with in all likelihood probably didn't know. I think it's largely dependent on the support person you're dealing with.
Ask and find out. You might be pleasantly surprised.
AFnord: Sorry to derail the thread a little, but this is related to a DTP game. Do you know if this was the reason why Drakensang: River of time was not released in some parts of Europe (like Sweden)? Also, when I tried to import the game, I was often told that they could not ship the game to my region (which I've never actually encountered with games before), so was there some form of export restrictions on that game (and is that not illegal in EU)?
I honestly couldn't say, but banning exports of games within the European common market (certain restrictions pertaining to imports into Germany notwithstanding) is illegal. If you tried to export from the US, then yeah, there will probably be a legitimate reason why they didn't want to sell, quite possibly simply to do with customs duty. If you were ordering from the UK, there is no reasonable explanation.