CSLFiero: These toys are rapidly becoming peoples most used computers.
KingofGnG: You clearly haven't listened: they are NOT computers. People can use them and call them computers, but they are not. You can use a computer the way you wish, you can program it the way you wish. Toy...smartphone USE YOU the way the company made them wishes.
End of the story, I didn't even want to came that far in a discussion about toys.....
You're arguing about TIVO-ization and that's what made Stallman and the GNU philosophy take shape. Computers were exactly what you were describing before that and attempts at TIVO-ization currently aim to take them that direction again.
Regardless, it's a red herring, phones are computers just like your netbook or desktop are. You're bitching about software not hardware and software is replaceable. Anything that has a CPU in it that takes x86, MIPS, or (do we have another one now?) is a computer.
You may own a smartphone but mostly you're just arguing that you don't like your smartphone, not that it's not a computer. That's really a problem of you not getting the right device for you, as in a KingofGnG problem, not some sort of hardware hold up. Your phone kicks the everliving shit out of computers over 10 years old and probably quiet a few ones younger than that as well.
I know in the past you've moaned about input devices and I know we've shown that to be bullshit as well.
But let's get technical, is your phone a Turing capable machine? The answer is "yes" and THAT, right there, makes it a computer.
KingofGnG: You clearly haven't listened: they are NOT computers. People can use them and call them computers, but they are not. You can use a computer the way you wish, you can program it the way you wish. Toy...smartphone USE YOU the way the company made them wishes.
Again, an argument about free software and against TIVO-ization. They are still computers as much as any other Turing capable machine is.