Incoming long reply to a long reply...
HoneydewHuey: Seriously, where the heck is Myst 3 on GOG... and for that matter, 4 and 5? It baffles me that Cyan Worlds hasn't gotten them into digital yet - I guess there's publishing rights issues to deal with.
The catch is that Cyan Worlds didn't develop or publish Myst 3,4 and 5. That was Ubisoft publishing and various other devs doing the grunt work. However, I would still really like to see them make it to GOG. They're quite good despite the change in developers.
HoneydewHuey: @KingofGnG - I got Torchlight during a steep sale on Steam, which I've heard is supposed to be like Diablo gameplay-wise - maybe even made by some ex-Blizzard people? I still haven't given those kinds of games a fair shake, but hopefully I will this winter.
If you like Diablo 1 at all, you need to play Torchlight right now. It's a brilliant take on the Diablo 1 design, but updated to modern standards. It's perfect for small bits when you don't have a lot of time for a long involved game. I'm so very excited for the sequel.
EDIT: and yes, many of the people at Runic are formerly of Blizzard North, the Diablo developers.
HoneydewHuey: Has anyone played the Wesnoth open source game? Wikipedia says it's supposed to be kind of like Warsong on the Sega Genesis.
Wesnoth is awesome. I don't know Warsong on the ol' Genesis, but there is a staggering amount of gameplay in Wesnoth for a freeware game, and it's seriously good old school TBS.
The only trouble is that the dice rolls are very random and can lead to some seriously frustrating moments, which puts off most players. But there's an extensive autosave system that alleviates some of the stress.