orcishgamer: I suspect you're either wrong or oversimplifying. If people only made games to make money (and were as mercenary as you imply) they sure as hell wouldn't be programming games, because it pays very little for the effort involved compared to what they could get elsewhere.
Delixe: Well I have to simplfy it or I will have to write a book. Do people make games because they want to make games? Yes. Do people need money to put food on the table? Yes. In an ideal world a games designer/programmer/whatever can do both. This isn't an ideal world and sometimes we have to do what we have to do to earn the money.
It should also be pointed out before people say EA are teh evil that they don't have as much control over BioWare as people imagine. Ray Musyka and Greg Zeschuk at BioWare were made Senior Vice Presidents of EA in the acquisition so it was most certainly BioWare's decision to make the changes to Dragon Age 2 not just EA.
As I said they made drastic changes make no mistake and we will see what the finished product is like. If it sells shitloads and buys Ray and Greg a new set of Ivory backscratchers then they made the correct decision. If not then DA3 will either be given a rest on the shelf or they will admit they went too far and DA3 will be closer to DA:O. It should be noted that BioWare have already said they cut too much out of the RPG side of ME2 and people should expect more RPG systems brought back into ME3.
If you ask me BioWare are trying their best to please both the hardcore fans and the consoletards to maximise their sales at the moment and it might just be an impossible task. It's still the one they seem to have set themselves and I wish them good luck because no matter how you feel about BioWare and RPG's in general BioWare still write some of the best stories and they still have D&D players in charge so if it wasn't for them CRPG's might have died a long time ago.
My only point is, there's a long continuum (and probably a happy medium) between not having enough to put food on the table and having so much you might as well buy you're third set of ivory backscratchers. I'm not sure they would have immediately folded as a company had they decided "You know what? We'll lose some sales to the console crowd if we keep the same mechanics we had in DA:O, but we have two other big-ass cashcows so what the fuck? Let's do it and make the game we want to make and we know our fans want."
I mean, maybe they really did want to make the game this way. Maybe they liked the idea of "Dragon Effect" (as you called it in another post) and it just happened to be a coincidence that the console crowd wanted the same thing. It sure does look like they caved to the "sell the maximum amount of copies with the minimum amount of work" though, and again PC gamers feel abandoned (which is certainly not all Bioware's fault, but Bioware did seem to "have PC gamers' backs on DA:O, thus the feelings of betrayal)
I'm with you, Bioware has generally been good to gamers, and fair or not, that's probably why they've been held to a higher standard and will be held to a higher standard for a long time to come.